3rd May 2017 11:00
We look at why many businesses are making the most basic mistake when marketing their business on social media. Connect with your customers, and do it well with the support of J-D Design.
10th April 2017 11:00
There are many cheap or free website builders and automated web design services today. But are they worth the time and money needed to set one up? We explore why using a professional website designer and systems developer beats any automated service, hands down.
21st August 2016 20:00
It's no surprise to us all that the internet has been a massive success, especially since the turn of the millenium.
Back in the 90's, the internet was something only the elite 'must-haves' or those with far above-average technical knowledge would even consider giving the time of day; but oh would that change...
Let's look at how your local small/medium business can benefit from having a website online in todays digital world.